
What are the Symptoms
of COVID-19?


People acquire the irresistible urge to cough.

Sore Throat

The pain is not sharp, yet it causes dry cough.

Shortness of Breath

You aren't able to hold your breath for 10 seconds.


People start experiencing fever in 4-5 days.
we're in this together

Helping You and Your Family through

latest updates

Learn how to protect yourself


We encourage you to follow all the latest world news and stay up-to-date with COVID-19 epidemic situation! This is necessary for you and your family to stay healthy during this situation. Follow simple rules to minimize the risk of getting sick:

  • Stay home/self-isolate
  • Wash your hands
  • Ventilate your house
ask a physician

Our Medical Team.
We Provide Professional Consulting

Confirmed Cases
Total Deaths
Total Recovered
Tina Lewis

“ I am so grateful for your professional medical consultations! It was important for my family to start moving in the right direction. ”

Tina Lewis

Web Design
Nick Carter

“ It is great working with you by starting new programs and seeing how a simple idea can be explored and turned into a solution ”

Nick Carter

Marketing, SEO
Kylie Jones

“ Thank you for giving us the opportunity to become a part of your medical team even if only for the duration of the COVID 19 ”

Kylie Jones

Education & Science
our specialty

Why Is Social Distancing Recommended?

Social distancing is the number one rule to minimize the risk of getting sick, especially dring the COVID-19 pandemic. We recommend staying home for as long as possible until further notice.


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